More tips and uses for Summer Savory

You can use fresh leaves of Summer Savory (or dried), in dressings, salads, gravies, stews and meats.

You can grow Summer Savory by planting in average soil, in a sunny area after danger of frost has passed. Sow seeds and cover with 1/4 inch of soil, and pat lightly. Seedlings will appear in 14-21 days. (depending on soil and weather conditions)

Thin out the seedlings to stand about 15 inches apart, after they are 1-2 inches high.

It is best to gather the plants when they are in full bloom. Dry the foliage thoroughly before placing in glass jars for winter use. It helps if you mulch to control weeds.

You don't need a lot of space to have a great little herb garden.

Summer Savory, some uses in modern folk medicine, and as a spice

An extremely valuable use of summer savory is as a spice. Savory gives an great flavor to beans and other legumes. In fact, its German name is Bohnenkraut or bean herb. Both savories (summer and winter savory), as well as the aromatic volatile oils obtained from them, are much used in flavoring various kinds of sausages.

In modern folk medicine, summer savory is currently believed to benefit the entire digestive system. According to its believers, savory acts as a carminative, an antiflatulent, an appetite stimulant, and also works in diarrhea.

A tea prepared from the herb is considered beneficial as an expectorant and cough remedy. One very interesting use of the tea in Europe is for excessive thirst in diabetics

Because of its content of carvacrol and p-cymene, the volatile oil confers a mild antiseptic property on summer savory. (This apparently combines with the astringent effect of the contained tannin to help the plant be of some little value in simple diarrhea.) The oil is probably fairly effectual, especially when combined with hot water in the form of a tea, for minor throat irritations and mild digestive upsets. Besides, it tastes good and is relatively harmless, especially in moderate amounts. Summer savory is certainly a pleasant herb; just don't expect too much from it.

As always consult a doctor first before making any large changes in diet or dealing with health issues.